MSL to Present at IEEE Workshop

We are very pleased to report that MSL President David Breecker has been invited to present and join a panel discussion on the “Power Plant of the Future” at the IEEE eGRID 2024 Workshop to be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, from November 19-21, 2024.

This international Workshop, sponsored by IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) and IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) and organized by Sandia National Laboratories will provide an international forum for academics and industry to exchange information on their latest research ideas, developments, experiences, achievements, state-of-the-art technical trends, and applications. The workshop invites experts in power electronics and power systems to discuss the evolution of the electric system toward a more power electronics-based infrastructure.

Breecker will present on MSL’s systems innovation approach to grid modernization and the specific challenges addressed by the workshop and the panel, including a review of holistic practices, complex adaptive systems, and paradigm shifts, as developed under our New Grid Paradigms initiative.

The main objective of the panel is to discuss the how the power grid of the future is going to transform to a heterogeneous state, with power electronics at multiple levels and what new methods for control, balancing, and interfacing are needed to create the power plant/grid of the future.