Category: research

MSL Leads Africa Energy Workshop

MSL designed and led the inaugural Atlas AI and e-GUIDE Innovation Network (EGIN) stakeholder workshop in Nairobi, Kenya on December 5 and 6, 2024. This event built on the success of the 2022 Global Energy Access Innovation Workshop in Rwanda, also designed and led by MSL, which led to the concept and formation of EGIN. The Kenya workshop was highly successful in achieving its objectives, engaging a cross-sector group of energy leaders in East Africa, planning the next stage of e-GUIDE’s work, and accelerating innovation processes and capacity. (more…)

MSL IEEE Presentation: The Complex Adaptive Grid

MSL President David Breecker had the honor of presenting MSL’s “Complex Adaptive Grid” initiative to the IEEE eGrid 2024 Workshop in Santa Fe, NM on November 19. The presentation was very well received by the approximately 100 participants, primarily comprised of engineers working in the power electronics area, and including several influential leaders in the grid modernization field. The presentation, which sparked considerable discussion, was part of a panel on “The Power Plant of the Future.” (more…)

Energy Sovereignty Research Paper Published

We are pleased to announce that the report on the results of MSL’s March 2024 Energy Sovereignty Research Workshop is now available. The White Paper, titled Convergent Clean Energy Research in Support of Sovereign and Prosperous Tribal Nations, presents the outcomes of the two-day workshop held on March 12-13, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort on the Santa Ana Pueblo in New Mexico. (more…)

Energy Sovereignty Workshop a Great Success

On March 12th and 13th, 2024 MSL and its partners at Navajo Technical University, Rochester Institute of Technology, and Seattle University convened key stakeholders for an inaugural Energy Sovereignty Research Workshop.  Funded by the National Science Foundation (with additional support from the New America Foundation and Remy’s Good Day Fund), 32 participants representing academia, Tribal governments and agencies, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers, and energy sector organizations gathered at the Hyatt Tamaya at Santa Ana Pueblo for the event, designed to create a research agenda aimed at supporting clean energy transitions in Tribal Nations.


MSL teams for Energy Sovereignty Research

The National Science Foundation has awarded funding to MSL, Navajo Technical University, Rochester Institute of Technology, and Seattle University for an energy sovereignty research workshop. This project will convene a diverse group of stakeholders from academia, Tribal governments and agencies, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers, and energy sector organizations for a two-day event, designed to create a research agenda aimed at supporting clean energy transitions in Tribal Nations, and education and workforce training needs to achieve ambitious Tribal aspirations. MSL Member Sandia National Laboratories’ Indian Energy program is also serving on the organizing committee. (more…)

MSL Launches “New Grid Paradigms” Initiative

In response to the urgent need for accelerated progress in grid modernization, MSL has launched a collaborative systems innovation approach under the rubric of “New Grid Paradigms” (NGP). The initiative seeks to catalyze a field of trans-disciplinary research, devoted to exploring and developing a fully integrated paradigm through a complex adaptive systems lens. This paradigm would be capable of eventually supporting the design, architecture, and implementation of a truly modernized, flexible, resilient, and decarbonized grid, using a systems innovation approach. (more…)

MSL Leads Advanced Grid Tech Seminar with NMSU

On May 19, 2023 MSL organized and led a seminar on advanced grid modernization technologies as part of a grant awarded to New Mexico State University by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) program. MSL and The National Renewable Energy Laboratory are collaborators on the grant. Seminar presenters included the NMSU research team; researchers from Los Alamos, Sandia, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratories; and Camus Energy (all MSL consortium Members).


MSL, RIT, Navajo Tech Win Energy Sovereignty Grant

MSL, Rochester Institute of Technology, and Navajo Technical University have been awarded a grant from the Public Interest Technology University Network (PIT-UN) program to further the partners’ work with Native American communities in the tribal energy sovereignty area. PIT-UN’s mission is to help advance the field of public interest technology to bring positive impact to communities around the globe. MSL’s Energy Sovereignty Institute (ESI) initiative will also participate. (more…)

MSL, NMSU, NREL Awarded DOE Research Grant

Update October 6, 2022: MSL, New Mexico State University, and The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (an MSL Member) have been awarded a grant by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) program, for Building EPSCoR-State/DOE-National Laboratory Partnerships. The team’s proposal, “Building a federated learning framework for trustworthy and resilient energy internet of things (eIoT) infrastructure,” focuses on Federated Machine Learning (FML), and the research funded will approach several FML-related aspects of smart grid data architectures and applications. (more…)


Update 8/27/22:  MSL’s Global Energy Access Innovation Workshop in Rwanda with the Rochester Institute of Technology was an unqualified success. Hosted as part of the IEEE PowerAfrica Conference, 25 thought and practice leaders from Asia, Africa, Alaska, Native America, and the Caribbean Islands convened for a two-day immersive innovation process designed and facilitated by MSL. The excitement was contagious, the feedback was exceptional, and the group unanimously committed to continued collaboration, on which we have begun work. (more…)