Category: MSL news

Energy Workshop, Design Thinking

In support of its human factors work on the DOE-India microgrid pilot feasibility study, MSL convened a cross-sector workshop of a dozen experts drawn from a broad range of  relevant disciplines and on-the-ground experience. The highly successful workshop was co-facilitated and hosted by the Santa Fe Art Institute (an affiliate of MSL partner institution the Santa Fe Innovation Park) and its director Sanjit Sethi, an expert in “design thinking” and its application to many problem-solving settings. It featured a user-centered design approach to the Human, Social, and Cultural (“HSC”) factors bearing on successful technology and energy projects in rural community settings. Joining Sanjit in leading the session were MSL General Manager David Breecker, and Christian Casillas, who recently completed his Ph.D. at the Energy and Resources Group of the University of California, Berkeley. Christian did his field work in community participatory energy planning in Nicaragua, and also has practical experience in India. (more…)

MSL, Universities Chosen for DOE Submission

A team comprising MSL, the University of New Mexico’s Center for Emerging Energy Technologies, NM State University, and NM Tech has been selected to submit the New Mexico proposal to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science, under its current EPSCoR funding opportunity. DOE’s Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DOE EPSCoR) is a federal-state partnership program designed to enhance the capabilities of designated states and territories to conduct sustainable and nationally competitive energy-related research. DOE EPSCoR addresses this mission by fostering competitions for scientific and engineering research in states and territories that have demonstrated a commitment to develop their research bases and to improve the quality of science and engineering research conducted at their universities and colleges. The New Mexico proposal will focus the state’s considerable assets and capabilities on accelerating the deployment of Utility Distribution Microgrids, including technical and engineering challenges, standardization goals, and policy, regulatory, and social factors. Utility Distribution Microgrids will be critical enabling infrastructure for the nation’s overall grid modernization and smart grid efforts. (more…)

MSL Partners for India Project

As of January 2014, the Microgrid Systems Laboratory has begun work on a feasibility study for rural microgrid pilot deployment in India.

General MicroGrids, Inc (GMI), a member of MSL, is leading the India microgrid project, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, and partnered with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in India. TERI, also a founding member of MSL, is one of the world’s top-rated think tanks for sustainability issues. MSL will participate directly in this project, which will contribute to the objectives of India’s Ministry of Power’s recently released “Smart Grid Vision and Roadmap for India.” india-roadmapThe Roadmap calls for 10,000 village-scale microgrids by 2022, as a primary rural electrification strategy to reach India’s 300 million people with no access to electricity (as well as industrial parks and commercial hubs). (more…)